Gmuend - Gross Gerungs

This is the preview page, showing the southern branch of the "Wood Quarter" narrow gauge railroad.

The line starts at the station of Gmuend NOe, located in the north-western part of lower Austria and later crosses Weitra, Steinbach and Langschlag as well as some smaller stops.
The terminus station is reached in Gross Gerungs.

A separate page will present the northern branches to Heidenreichstein and Litschau.

All shown images were shot during the standard railroad operation, which was executed until early summer of 2001. On weekends and on holidays steam operation was scheduled regularly. In July 2001 the line was terminated unfortunately. Nevertheless the touristic steam trips shall be continued. How long and what finally will be the future of the line, nobody knows. Means the photographs are already historical ...

During the regular operation one could experience here original local railroad romanticism. Of special interest always was, to watch the loco preparation for the upcoming day in the morning. In Gmuend one could watch all that steps in detail and taking pictures of course (-> scroll down!).

This page presents shots of the southern branch line showing steam trains which are more interesting than Diesels. Click on the selected image to get the enlarged view.

  After lighting the boiler early in the morning, the next action of the new day is filling up the coal compartments. The shown coal crane exists since about 1972. The years before, this task needed to be done manually ...
  Of course the water resources have to be filled up too. And then after lubricating the bearings, the engine is ready for the next tour ...
  The departure station in Gmuend is located directly opposite to the standard gauge railroad building. The 399.03 starts the tour to Gross Gerungs ... (up)  
  At the beginning, the rails often follow the river Lainsitz, here behind the railroad embankment.
  Close to the station of old Weitra the rail tracks pass some idyllic fishing waters.
  This image was taken close before the entrance points of the Weitra station. In the rainy weather the 399 produces a lot of steam. (up)  
  In the background visible the buildings of the Weitra station. After leaving the Station a little cleft is passed.
  The castle of Weitra could be part of the background, if one would take a higher position. Admittedly a ladder like that of a fire brigade truck would be necessary. Unfortunately no such gadget was on my disposal ...  
  Only a few meters later - from the golf course area - one may observe the train passing with the castle of Weitra in the background without special equipment. (up)
  The next station will be Steinbach - Groß Pertholz. The line crosses the typical landscape of the wood quarter.
  At the left the entrance points of Steinbach are visible. After Steinbach the track will climb the European continental divide here called the "Waldviertler Semmering". Gradients up to 26 permille need to be taken.
  Close behind the station of Abschlag which is just a small wooden shelter, the line crosses some glade within the forest loneliness ... (up)
  At the old station of Bruderndorf water needs to be taken after the heavy up hill section. Also some loco checks are executed...
  After passing the highest point of the “Waldviertler Semmering”, here we see already the following downhill section.
  Behind the station of Langschlag the landscape gets more flat and open again. (up)
  Harruck has been passed and Heinreichs is the next stop.  
  During the final miles the engine needs steam mainly for braking and using the signal horn ...  
  The train composition sometimes looks like a model railroad. (up)  
  To get the full 11 wagon train, a super wide angel lens is required.  
  The terminal station in Gross Gerungs is reached and the loco needs to be maintained. There is no possibility to turn the loco here. Therefore the trip back will be done with the tender in front. I hope the small gallery was enjoyable for you ...  
  Finally an image of the 399 traction part. To enable a better movability in bends, the wheels of the driven axle don't have any flanging rims. (up)  
Navigation: Rail world select - Wood Quarter Line: northern branches
Last Update: August 2002- send ma an email
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