Web search and rail sites:

This page contains web search links, online translators, an award worksheet and railroad oriented links, the next page will provide links for: astronomy, web technics, miscellaneous and home pages of friends

Google - the well known search engine

LEO - the best online translator German - English - German I know !

Colossus - a serach engines overview

Website Awards information source

Railroad - Railway oriented links:

Bahnsuche (German)

Eisenbahn Webkatalog (German)

The Club 1889 is renovating
historic Rhaetian carriages
Erlebnisbahn - Austrian Directory "by Ronny"

Railhoo - German

Rail Serve - a US railroad web directory

Train Net - a US site containing a lot of rail specific information. They also issue the Web Gem Award which was bestowed to the ebepe rail world in April 2002. Many grateful thanks!

Train Web - a
US railroad web directory
NMRA National Model
Railroad Association

RAIL links
railroad directory

Railroad Data.com

Rail Watch - again a US railroad web directory

The ol' hook & eye site, home of the smokin' award,
a really great site ...

Excellent Rail Photo and link list site of Martyn Fordham UK railway directory

Click to select the next link page go to the ebepe rail photo gallery

Links: Disclaimer Remark

As ebepe webmaster I cannot take over any responsibility for the content of externally linked sites. Just pages containing the string: www.ebepe.com or: www.eberhard.at in the address bar of the web browser, are material of ebepe!

All above graphics are copyright © property of the logo owners.

If someone wants to place a link at the ebepe site, addressing his own web site, contact me using email please. Of course I am interrested in links addressing the ebepe pages on sites of other web masters. The logo in the left upper corner has the name: logo76_.gif and may be used as a link symbol.

Last Update: September 2003 - send me an email
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